No AdBlock anymore

No AdBlock anymore
No AdBlock anymore
AdBlock is add-on you can install it in your browser, it small size but so useful , by using it you will be browse the sites without any advertisements. and we know a lot of site use many
advertisements in each page, that so annoying not let you show the content clear. but we know  
advertisements is way to earn money, and there many company but the best of them is google adsense
now like you see the title of this topic, AdBlock time by time is not useful because a lot of web site don't let you see the content of there site if you are setup it, you must disable it, to see the content.
please disable adblock
please disable adblock
 maybe you saw the sentence "please disable adblock". and saw this picture before on some of site.
Yes a lot of site use this picture of different . stop you see the content till you disable your adblock.
so no AdBlock anymore.At the end you will be disable it and surf the page like you don't have.
but it still working in some site. and some of them let you use it in there site, and let you decide if you want stop or no, but other site you will be not have this decision. 
disable adblock
 To disable your adblock just like you see this picture above, move your mouse to your adblock. and right click, and chose puase on this site , after that make sure you refresh the page, because it will be working till you make refresh.
And if you want enabled again just move your mouse to  AdBlock and chose this time enable instead of disable and make refresh.
In final that topic we cover what happen now and why the AdBlock is not useful as before
and show you how to disable it if you prevented surf and to see the content from some site and how to enable again.

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