The main point to keep in mind before buying OnePlus X.

Much has been published about the well-being OnePlus X but must admit that this mobile

phone is a great device. Before you go and buy a tub plus X (if you can purchase this device!), Should consider the important issues that have been mentioned in this report.

Perhaps people are familiar with the invitation OnePlus know that no matter how much the user is willing to buy OnePlus X, there is no guarantee that can be determined exactly when purchasing this device. To achieve this, the smart phone user can only wait for time to the device through a common market or an invitation to purchase, of course, there is another way and it's a very large sum user to buy the phone from eBay. OnePlus ways to increase the chances of receiving an invitation to the users, one of the solutions "offered to buy the machine for 72 hours", but because these proposals arise by chance, no way users can get exact time offering such plans know.

LTE in OnePlus X has problems!

Recent reports in which the review has been OnePlus X, has been updated. The update notes the disappointing performance of the LTE smartphone is raised. LTE band 12 and band 17 OnePlus X does not support this means that some users (especially some Americans) can only be used for HSPA. This does not mean that the data on the mobile device is disabled, but the only problem is that this high speed capability in areas that will support LTE speeds, no. This is important for many users, but those users who need a fast Internet phone, this issue will be upset. If you use more than Wi-Fi or mobile internet browsing only for the cut, it will not be a problem for you much trouble.

Camera Plus One X is relatively weak!

If you want a mobile phone high quality photographs of X you need to know OnePlus so you will not be effective. Photos that this phone is not very focused, in terms of low light images are tarnished and at the end of the HDR mode does not affect a positive impact on image quality. Photos that have been brought in to continue this show.

None of these issues OnePlus X can not be a bad heart. Payment for $ 249, One Plus X is a good phone that provides users with many features. There are several reasons to purchase this handset along with these reasons, the user should also consider the above points.

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