Here are 6 Free DNS Services to speed up the browsing protection, take advantage of them now

Protection and security has become a priority not only for companies or business, even the user demands attention to this aspect, especially after the
predominance of mobile devices and technology in his life, and became a part of it already. There are many protection programs, as well as several other means to achieve this end, including of course DNS Services , which can be a good option to protect you from many of the risks to your while sailing in the Internet. In this article propose to you, dear reader, some 2 free services that offer you the speed of browsing, as well as full protection at the same time.

1. Comodo Secure DNS:
This service can be used for personal use only. Addresses of the DNS service and this is A free service that can block harmful sites that contain malware and spyware. As you progress as well as some security solutions such as SSL certificates, email services etc. safe service displays a warning page when you enter any malicious site, also includes details of the warning, and why was blocked page and if the user wants to ignore the warning, they can do so.

2. Dyn Internet Guide:
Other DNS service can be used for personal and commercial purposes both through the following address and Is also a free service that automatically protects you while surfing the Internet. It is also able to filter the content as a customizable allows users to prevent up to 30 categories of specific content in advance. If the prohibition of any site, appear on the page alert Why withheld a specific location, and allows the user to override the warning and continue to use this site.

3. FoolDNS:
Users can use the DNS service, for both personal and business purposes. Titles are 87,118,111,215and This service also provides some free and commercial services for home use and small businesses alike. As can, prevent some ads and malware and phishing sites.

4. GreenTeam Internet:
This service is  and addresses as well as offering you protection service and automatically filtered content from malicious software and websites, advertising, and content with sexual connotations and locations of drug-related violence, and so on. Met as well as to customize the content and you can create a white list and black list of your own, in addition to the possibility of reporting on Page banned.

5. OpenDNS:
OpenDNS service known and very famous in the field of VPN, and also provides a free DNS service, their titles are and, as well as and and well. There are some paid services from this site, but the basic free services available to help
.you of malware prevention and fraud sites

6. Norton ConnectSafe:
This service is provided by a giant Norton protection, and to use this service only for personal reasons. You can choose between three types of services: If you choose only security then it will prevent malware, scam sites, addresses this service is and If you choose to security and pornography, Fnawinha is and If you choose security, pornography, etc., it will prevent the content that have to do with alcohol, crime, drugs and gambling. Titles are and

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